Minute 043: We Work Really Well Together


“Let’s get Carol out of her trailer,  and shoot the other side of this masterpiece,” says Bowfinger, clapping his hands together.

Later, at Bowfinger International, the cast and crew watch the pieced-together scene on a movieola, with Kit reacting to Betsy the dog’s high-heeled shoe noises, and Carol acting at the camera.

“He’s brilliant,” says Carol, watching the footage.

“He is,” agrees Bowfinger.

“His fear is so real,” says Carol. “It’s like it’s actually happening. We work really well together.”

“That’s what he was saying,” replies Bowfinger.

“Bastard!” screams the Carol on the movieola.

“Darling,” says Carol, pulling Bowfinger aside from the crew. “Excuse me, my darling.”

In This Episode

  • Steve Martin as Bobby Bowfinger
  • Christine Baransky as Carol
  • Jamie Kennedy as Dave
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