Daisy continues to list reasons she’d do a nude scene.
“…and if it’s in character, and if it’s for the scene, and if it’s not just a body that…” she says.
“Right, right, right,” says Bowfinger. The phone rings, and Bowfinger answers, “Bowfinger International Pictures. How may I direct your call?” He realizes it’s Dave calling. “What is it?”
“I tracked Kit to MindHead,” says Dave. “He could be coming down any time.”
“All right, all right. All right,” says Bowfinger to his crew. “Kit feels he’s ready to shoot the parking lot scene. I just love the way this guy works!”
Carol gives a gasp, as Slater applies plaster to Carol’s head while making a cast.
At MindHead, Kit exits the elevator and walks into the parking garage. As he walks, he hears footsteps that are not his. He turns around to look to see who’s following him.