“Oh, please,” says Slater, “Oh, please don’t let me die!”
Slater pulls a handle inside the Buick opening the trunk (which is facing the front of the Mercedes. Jiff, wearing a alien costume and holding a cardboard ray gun, points the gun at the Mercedes.
“This is awesome!” says Jiff.
A police car starts chasing the Buick, with sirens and lights flashing. Slater closes the trunk lid, with Jiff inside the trunk. Slater throws the Buick into Drive, and speeds away. The Mercedes comes to a stop and the police car pulls up in front of the Mercedes.
“It’s going down!” yells Kit. “Right now it’s going down! I’m so glad y’all here.”
“Okay!” says the police officer from the nightclub. He pulls out his gun and points it at Kit.
“I’m Kit Ramsey!” says Kit, surprised.
“Whatcha doin’?” says Freddie. “That’s Kit Ramsey!”
“You know who I am?” says Kit. “You know who I am, right? I wanna make a report.”
“Please, one at a time,” says Afrim, dressed as a police officer. “I can’t hear you.”
“Hey, come on now,” says Kit. “I’m number 13 on Premiere’s power list. What are you doin’, man?”
“Uh,” begins the police officer from the nightclub, “tough guys like you…don’t get far in this world, mister!”
“We’ve been gettin’ pursued by alien forces!” says Kit.